
General Information

Full Name Abhishek Kumar Sinha
Languages English, Hindi, French


  • 2016-2020
    Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology
    • Worked on neural video compression as a part of final year thesis.
    • Emperically studied the convergence of the particles' energy in a single quantum well in the presence of electric field as part of Sophomore project.
    • Worked on Visual question-answering RNN model as a part of Sophomore project.


  • 2021-Present
    Space Applications Center (ISRO), Ahmedabad
    • Developed several image processing modules as a part of Data Processing chain of India-BhutanSat Mission, including data ingestion, blind deconvolution, blind destriping, neural nets for missing frame synthesis and geolocation accuracy improvement.
    • Worked on practical neural lossless image compression models for satellite image compression.
    • Worked on multiple AI research projects, including image super-resolution and hyperspectral recovery.
  • 2019
    Project Intern
    Space Applications Center (ISRO), Ahmedabad
    • Developed Doppler shift estimation model using six orbital parameters of the satellite.

Honors and Awards

  • 2016-2020
    • Department of Space scholarship for undergraduate studies covering tution cost and living expenses for four years.
  • 2020
    • Satish Dhawan Endowed CalTech Masters Fellowship (declined due to program delay during pandemic).

Academic Interests

  • Neural Nets, Computer Vision, Deep learning, Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning.